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Welcome to A.L.S Academy

A.L.S Academy Lucknow is one of its own kinds. It is being formed with the mission to provide World Class Education with a blend of our ages old rich tradition to the children. We, at A.L.S Academy Lucknow, are committed to a holistic education and view education as having intrinsic value, quite apart from its function of increasing vocational opportunities. Our responsibility lies not only in the development of academic skills, but also vital non cognitive skills. Our school’s culture will encourage the students to innovate and take risks when developing new ideas and considering solutions to problems. Hence, our mission is to provide the right inputs to help the children grow up with the treasure of knowledge which will eventually equipped them to make the right choices in life & grow up to be responsible citizens of the country & the world.


Our Vision

Promoting overall personality development through futuristic career oriented education, enduring, planning and preparation of teacher to involve all students in teaching – learning process, shifting focus from teaching to learning.


Our Mission

Our mission is to carry on the vision of the Founders. We are dedicated to sensitize our children to be compassionate towards nature, the old and differently abled. And also develop a feeling of nationalism and communal harmony.

Our Belief

Our Belief

“Those who know, teach and those who do not know, learn.” Based on this principle, our founders created an institution of their dreams.An institution, which would nurture individual capabilities as each child, has the spark that needs to be ignited.

Educate, Empower Enlighten

"A.L.S Academy mission is to form integrated women who are capable of responding to the challenges of life with joy and a deep faith in God, whose choices and decisions are guided by right values, enriched by our cultural heritage and committed to the service of our people."The School encourages the students to participate in various activities inorder to facilitate the development of their potentialities.

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A well planned school journey of every child brings about a positive change in their upbringing, gives them plenty of opportunities to affirm their choices and prepares them to face the challenge of the ever changing world.